How to make your website content fresh and important


It is inevitable for every blogger that there will come a time when he needs to update some topics, and other topics he needs to rewrite

But sometimes a blogger updates a topic that he is supposed to write a new alternative for, and sometimes he writes a new alternative even though it is supposed and better to update his old topic, and of course this applies to fixed topics and pages

But how to differentiate between the case of each subject to make the best choice?

Attributes of the subject that should be replaced by a new one

First: The topic link should be undistinguished, meaning there are topics whose link has taken a default link from Blogger, for example

My old contact page was taking this link

It is a link generated by blogger, but it is not unique

I sat on that page for a while and then instead of fixing the contact form on it or rewriting it I made a new one to take a meaningful link and this was it

Then link the two pages via the built-in redirect feature in Blogger

The appearance of the link is very important in archiving topics and SEO, so if a topic needs adjustment or modification, but its link is bad, it is better to write it again

Second: It should not be among the most viewed pages on your blog

There are pages and topics that are the most viewed, and you should be careful if you want to replace them, because they are archived and registered and are at the top of the search results, so replacing them will not be a good thing.

Third, there should be a lot of new information

I mean, if the topic does not need to be updated, it is a simple matter, you should not write something new, just update it

But if many important matters have arisen on the topic and the blogger needs to know all these new details, it is considered a big mistake to fix an old topic, even if it is the leader in the results, because then the new visitors will benefit from it, but the old visitor will not enter it because he thinks he read it and it is over
Attributes of the topic that should be updated and not replaced

It is simply the opposite of the previous adjectives

The topic whose link is correct, there is no need to replace it, updating it will be better

Topics that top the search results and appear in the most viewed. It is preferable to update them as long as their links are accurate

Topics in which the information has not changed much, updating it is sufficient

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